Accueil Flip boxes

Flip boxes


[flip front_content=”

Fully Responsive

Built with HTML5 & CSS3, The clean News design can be used for any type of website: News, Blog, Minimal, Personal, Magazin, Newspaper, Products, etc.” front_bg=”#E6A602″ front_txtc=”#FFFFFF” back_content=”

Review System

Built with HTML5 & CSS3, The clean News design can be used for any type of website: News, Blog, Minimal, Personal, Magazin, Newspaper, Products, etc.” back_bg=”#E6A602″ back_txtc=”#FFFFFF”]



[flip front_content=”

Retina Ready

Built with HTML5 & CSS3, The clean News design can be used for any type of website: News, Blog, Minimal, Personal, Magazin, Newspaper, Products, etc.
” front_bg=”#56B85A” front_txtc=”#FFFFFF” back_content=”

Schema SEO

Built with HTML5 & CSS3, The clean News design can be used for any type of website: News, Blog, Minimal, Personal, Magazin, Newspaper, Products, etc.” back_bg=”#202020″ back_txtc=”#ffffff”]



[flip front_content=”

Drag Drop

Built with HTML5 & CSS3, The clean News design can be used for any type of website: News, Blog, Minimal, Personal, Magazin, Newspaper, Products, etc.” front_bg=”#F54D3D” front_txtc=”#FFFFFF” back_content=”

Mobile Friendly

Built with HTML5 & CSS3, The clean News design can be used for any type of website: News, Blog, Minimal, Personal, Magazin, Newspaper, Products, etc.” back_bg=”#F54D3D” back_txtc=”#ffffff”]




These supported tags come from the code FAQ.

Address Tag

1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
United States

Anchor Tag (aka. Link)

This is an example of a link.

Abbreviation Tag

The abbreviation srsly stands for “seriously”.

Acronym Tag (deprecated in HTML5)

The acronym ftw stands for “for the win”.

Big Tag (deprecated in HTML5)

These tests are a big deal, but this tag is no longer supported in HTML5.


  • OmniScient Info

    OmniScient Info, est un média en ligne spécialisé dans l'Education et la Formation diffusant les actualités du monde l’éducation, de l’enseignement, de la recherche et de la culture en Haïti. OmniScient Info est destiné à tous les #acteurs de l’#éducation et de la #formation – aux #étudiants (tes), aux #enseignants (tes), aux #chercheurs, aux #directeurs (trices) d’#écoles, aux #parents et/ou toute autre personne ayant un intérêt ds le domaine l’Éducation en général. OminiScient Info | Le média de l'Education | #InfoUtile #InfoCommentée

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